I truly appreciate how kind and cooperative you all have been. With the new CDC guidelines, this is the website I will monitor to determine any policy change:
Masks are optional, unless you have any cold symptoms.
If Ozaukee county moves into a MEDIUM or higher level, masks WILL BE required.
People may be skeptical about the effectiveness of masks; I prefer to take any possible precaution to protect your health & mine.
If you are uncomfortable receiving a service where others have been maskless, please reach out to me. We can arrange for you to have the first appointment of the day (usually 8:30am) or treat the room with the UV sterilization before you come.
I will continue to wear a KN95 or N95 mask during my time with you, if you are wearing a mask or when I work above your face.
Your safety and comfort are always on my mind,
and sanitation & disinfection have always been a priority
Before you arrive, every surface or item touched during a session is disinfected with PureGreen24. This includes, but is not limited to door, faucet and cabinet handles, light switches, product containers, chairs, shelving for your personal items, bolsters, clipboard, pen, etc. I have added waterproof covers to massage table, heating pad and pillows that are also disinfected. All linens are disinfected after use. Additional disinfectants and equipment is used to sterilize non-disposable aesthetic instruments.
Two HEPA air filters with UVC light run continually (one in the living area of my home, the other in the treatment room). This machine is rated for a room double the size of the treatment room, and the air is disinfected as it passes over an internal UV light and through a HEPA filter.
The large patio door in the room is opened and the ceiling fan turned on between sessions to circulate fresh air.
A hospital grade UV sterilization light is used in the room for 30 minutes at the end of each day.
A new, clean apron is worn for each service.
Gloves are worn for any hands on portion of your service (since 2017).
Please do your part! If you have had a fever in the last 24 hours, have any symptoms of the flu or COVID (cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell), reschedule your appointment! If you have had direct contact with someone who has tested positive (less than 6 feet apart for 15 minutes or more), please cancel any appointment you have within 5 days of that contact. I only ask for 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule. If you show up sick, you will be sent home!!!
Please discuss any questions you may have during your session so that I have time to maintain a sanitary, disinfected environment. I schedule 20-30 minutes between appointments. 10-15 minutes are for you to come into and out of the room, get on/off the massage table, etc.; the other 10-20 minutes are needed for me to clean, chart, prepare the next service, eat, etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or text/call 262-268-0900.
In Peace, Love & Beauty,
Jennifer Harris
When getting into the office doesn’t work…
…visit me from the convenience of… well, anywhere!
For the sake of your health, mine, our families, and our communities, services were paused on March 17th, 2020. I am now open, but if you are more comfortable staying home, this is for you.
Welcome appointments, quarantine style. When you schedule, a Zoom meeting ID will be generated and a link will be sent in your confirmation email. I am open to using any platform you are comfortable with.
What is the value of a virtual appointment (especially when there is so much info already online)? As an educated, licensed and insured therapist, I am offering you advice that is true and tailored to you.
How much will it cost? Virtual consultations cost $30 and last up to 30 minutes. If you are looking for skincare product recommendations, appointment fee may be applied to your order if placed within 7 days of your appointment.
How can I get my products? I can deliver to your doorstep within a 5 mile radius of my office at no additional cost or you can pick them up on my front porch. Or you can have them shipped for a small added fee. Orders over $100 ship free.